Send An Outlook Email as Another Mailbox


You must have permissions to send as the mailbox first.

For the new outlook:

Click New Mail
Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Click open in new window
Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Click Options and then check Show From
Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Click the drop down arrow next to your email address and select the correct account

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


For the old Outlook:

Click New Email
Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Click Options and then the three dots, then click From under Show Fields


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Click the From drop down
Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

You may need to click Other Email Address and type the address into the pop-up box the first time. After that it will show up as an option that you can click on.


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Article ID: 14475
Wed 8/21/24 6:10 PM
Wed 8/21/24 6:10 PM